Monday, February 16, 2009

Fattie fattie two by four

Have you ever had a dog that was too fat to jump on the bed? We do.

When she jumps it's as if she has no concept of height or effort necessary and instead she smacks into the sideboard shoulders first and looks at us as if we've done this to her on purpose.

We have not.

She's on diet food and limited to small portions. But the other dog (the gay boy) often forgets that he has to eat to live and in his absentmindedness he becomes an enabler, allowing her to eat herself to miserable extent.

I find it humorous. And sad.

But when she tires walking from the kitchen to living room and has to pause (coochie to carpet) to take a breather, I'm more amused than sad.

Does this make me a bad mother?

Sometimes I feed her the dog food one piece at a time JUST to make sure she has it in her mouth long enough to chew it, thus prolonging digestion, or so I've told myself.

There must be something else we can do for her.

Is there a Jenny Craig for dogs? Weight watchers? Nutrisystems?

I'll hire Richard Simmons.

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