Sunday, March 4, 2007

Introducing the Dame...

Yes yes I know I probably should have updated my adoring fans (joke) the moment I became a mother but as with all newborns, mine is quite a handful. My nights consist of about three hours of sleep divided by about 5 hours of trying to keep the baby entertained and out of trouble. The difference between my new baby and most is that rather than crying when she wants to wake up mommy, she just chews on my face.

Introducing Dame Rexabelle Josephine McFierce., more commonly referred to as Sexy Rexy. Sure it may seem like a lot of name for such a little dog but believe me she owns it. She might be the only female I know who is more feisty than me.

She was born January 1st in Oklahoma to a 3 lb Yorkie father and a 6 lb Papillion mother. And no I don't know exactly how that worked out but apparently her pops likes the larger ladies.

When she was 7 weeks old (last week) she took her first plane trip to Utah arriving at the airport just a couple hours after I returned from my vacation to Seattle.

We've been together a week and so far we've gone through quite a lot. She's had her first bath, first nail clipping, first vet appointments, first teeth brushing, and first shopping experiences this week. She has only barked twice, once when I was on my bed and she couldn't reach me and the other time when I took her plate away before she was done.

She's quite the little melodramatic princess (like mother like daughter) and at 1 lb 6 oz you'd think she'd be timid and shy but she's far bossier than I could ever be. She hops around the place like a bunny, likes to chew on everything, loves visitors, and is the best cuddler. She's always the happiest curled up on my chest. Big surprise.

If you get a chance, come visit us… we're both awfully cute. Ha ha.

Here's the first pic I got of her. I asked the breeder to give me a size reference.

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